Where the East Begins: Travelogues and Geopolitics


Where the East Begins: Travelogues and Geopolitics


Travelogues, Geopolitics


Joshua Kucera


May 4, 2015



Collection Items

Route taken in Eastward to Tartary
The route followed by Robert Kaplan in his book Eastward to Tartary

Route of Between East and West: Across the Borderlands of Europe
The route map used by Anne Applebaum in her book Between East and West: Across the Borderlands of Europe

Word clouds
Word clouds generated by analyzing language used by travelers describing the experience of a border or borderland between Europe and Asia.

Heat Map of "Europe-Asia" border regions in 19th century and post-1991 travelogues.
A heat map generated by mapping all of the points where English-language travelers identified a border or borderland between Europe and Asia or East and West. The Caucasus (especially Tbilisi), the Balkans (especially Bosnia) and the Volga/Ural…

Europe and Asia
An illustration of the Europe-Asia border marker in the Ural Mountains, from Thomas Knox's 1871 book, Overland through Asia.

Coasting Into Asia
An illustration from the 1899 book by John Fraser, Round the world on a wheel

View on River Sava, looking from Slavonian Brood to the Bosnian Shore.
An illustration from Arthur Evans's 1877 book, Through Bosnia and the Herzegovina on Foot During the Insurrection, August and September 1875
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